Sunday, March 4, 2012


So I just saw this post on a blog I love to follow and I thought it was such a cute idea so I am re-creating it. My life has been SO chaotic lately with work that I need a little break to relax and unwind. Last week I worked 50 hours which is a lot for me! I absolutely hate working Saturdays because they are my days to get everything done. But I made a honey to-do list and things went on at home without me. Typical life of a busy season accountant - now I just can't wait till the end of April. I am hoping to take a nice relaxing trip to soak up a little sun in Arizona with my beautiful mom. 

But anyways, here are my ABCs:

Age: 24
Bedsize: Queen (but my husband wishes we had a California King)
Chores that you hate: Cleaning the bathroom
Dogs: One day when we are not in an apartment
Essential start to your day:  Breakfast
Favorite color: Turquoise
Gold or Silver:  I'm kind of partial to gold lately or rose gold, even better
Height: 5 feet/4 inches.
Instruments you play: Man, I can't think of one!
Job title: Accountant
Kids: Not yet!
Live: Draper, Utah
Mother's Name: Lisa
Nicknames: Mike calls me "stinky" (just to clear it up, it is not literal)
Overnight hospital stays: Never
Pet peeves: Nail picking, and rude drivers
Quote:  "The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be 
continually fearing you will make one." ~ Elbert Hubbard
Right or Lefty:  Righty
Siblings: I'm the oldest with one younger sister and two younger brothers
Time you wake up:Too early-6am.
Underwear: haha
Vegetable you hate:Avocado
What makes you run late:Picking out what to wear
X-Rays You've Had: Never
Yummy food you make:  Chocolate Chip Cookies (Mike claims they are
 the best he's ever had)
Zoo Animal: Baby Bears

Happy Sunday Night!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Needing a change

So I am in desperate need of a change. I think I have had the same hair for as long as I can remember and I want to change it. I keep seeing all these moms at church with their cute ombre hair style and I just love it! Do you think I could pull it off? I found these pictures online and Whitney and Drew have the closest style I would go to. I am so nervous though cause I am definitely a blonde but I think I could maybe, possibly, still pull it off. What should I do!?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Back to the grind

I am offically NOT a blogger. I never have the time and I can never think of anything I really want to blog about. A real blogger would make the time and always want to blog about everything...definitely not me. But my husband is busy watching football and I am procrastinating on my homework as long as possible so I decided to enter a post about our new busy life. Okay, maybe not so new but definitely busy!

The holidays have come and gone already..they always go by WAY too fast. My family and husband spoiled me for Christmas, as usual. I got a new 700-Northface puffy coat that I never take off. If you know me, I am always cold no matter how many layers I wear. My new puffy coat never comes off and my hubby doesn't have to listen to me complain about how cold I am anymore. I also got a heart-rate monitor I can wear biking. Now I only have to wait 6 more months until bike season. Okay, maybe not 6 whole months but it feels that way. I stare at my bike sitting up against our backdoor in our living room everyday waiting for bike season to come back. February 1st we can sign up to enter the raffle for the Little Red, our annual 100-mile all women's race up in Logan. I can't wait!

January 3rd I started my new job at HJ & Associates downtown. I love working downtown. I get to take the trax to and from work everyday and feel all grown up like every other adult going to their adult jobs in Salt Lake. Everyday, 8-5 now you can find me at HJ working away. I am on salary and get benefits and everything. Wow, when did I have to become such a grownup? I love it though. It keeps me busy and I love the professional environment. Wait until March-April 15th, I might not love it so much working 65+ weeks, but for now I really enjoy my job. I still have class on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Only till August and then I am offically finished with all my schooling. Yay!

Mike is just as busy this semester working still at the Greenwood University of Utah clinic and taking more classes. This is the year he gets to apply to the physical therapy program at the U. He is working hard and building his credentials so we can get into the U and stay in state. He gets home earlier than me most days now though, so he officially gets to be on "dinner duty" from now on. I am training him little by little :)

We've had some exciting news over the past few weeks. 3 of our best friends are pregnant and we couldn't be more excited for them all! Now everyone is asking when it is our turn...well, not quite yet. We love it just the two of us for now, and we have too much to do before we become parents. But it will happen one day, don't worry. For now we get our baby fix from our cute little niece. We just adore her.

Well the game is over and I have Mike's full attention back. Hopefully I'll get distracted again soon and get to post again before the next few months of our lives fly by as usual.

Festival of Trees

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

Date night with friends

Ice skating with all the wives!

Our Life So Far